Saturday 1 July 2023


The composition of nematode communities (plant-parasitic and free-living) may be used as bio-indicators of soil health or condition because composition correlates well with nitrogen cycling and decomposition, two critical ecological processes in soil. Maturity and trophic diversity indices withstand statistical rigor better than do abundances, proportions, or ratios of trophic groups. Maturity indices respond to a variety of land-management practices, based largely on inferred life history characteristics of families. Similarity indices may be more useful than diversity indices because they reflect taxon composition. Improving existing indices or developing alternative indices refined by a greater understanding of the biology of key taxa may enhance the utility of nematodes as bio indicators.
Nematodes play an important role in essential soil processes. The direct contribution of nematodes to nitrogen mineralization and distribution of biomass within plants has been demonstrated in controlled experiments.In petri-dish experiments, more nitrogen is available in the ammonium form when bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes are present than when they are absent (Trofymow and Coleman, 1982). Nitrogen mineralized through microbial grazing is available subsequently to plants (Seastedt et al., 1988; Sohlenius et al., 1988) and has been demonstrated to affect biomass allocation in plants. In a microcosm experiment with buffalo grass (Bouteloua gracilis), Ingham et al. (1985) demonstrated that plant shoots grow larger in soils with bacteria, fungi, and their respective grazers than in soils with less complex soil food webs. Root biomass may also increase in the presence of microbial-grazing nematodes. Under field conditions, bacterivorous and predatory nematodes are estimated to contribute (directly and indirectly) about 8% to 19% of nitrogen mineralization in conventional and integrated farming systems, respectively (Beare, 1997). Nematodes contribute to nitrogen mineralization indirectly by grazing on decomposer microbes, excreting ammonium, and immobilizing nitrogen in live biomass (Beare, 1997; Ferris et al., 1998; Ingham et al., 1985). Predatory nematodes also regulate nitrogen mineralization by feeding on microbial grazing nematodes, a conduit by which resources pass from bottom to top trophic levels (Wardle and Yeates, 1993). Although plants depend on nitrogen for their survival and growth, ecological disruptions such as cultivation or additions of mineral fertilizer increase nitrogen availability, sometimes in excess of, or asynchronous with, plant needs. Increased availability of nitrate and ammonium is associated inversely with successional maturity of nematode communities in cultivated mineral soils for agricultural purposes (Neher, 2001).

Abiotic factors
§  Soil pH: pH does not affect the nematodes directly. They can exist within normal pH range (4-8) of agricultural soils, provided it safe for host plant growth.
§  Temperature: Most plants parasitic nematodes have optimum thermal requirement between 15-300C. Nematodes are able to survive a lower temperature limit of 50C and upper limit 400C, but further extremes of lower and upper limit may be lethal.
§  Soil moisture and aeration: soils are beset with wide fluctuation in soil moisture. Soil aeration is inversely related to moisture content and Nematodes require a thin film of water for their biological activities. Excess moisture tends to inhibit the locomotion of nematodes in soil.
§  Soil texture: the relative proportion of sand, silt and clay determines the soil texture. Certain Nematodes proves more pathogenic in light textured soil, Rotylechulus reniformis thrive well in light textured soil.
§  Soil chemicals: The concentrations of chemical constituents of soil fluctuate drastically depending upon soil moisture content (irrigation, drought). The use of chemical fertilizer, organic manures, pesticide etc further adds to the dynamism of soil chemistry
Biotic factors
§  Host plants: crops and cropping pattern influence plant parasitic nematodes populations tremendously. Some nematodes have wide host range while others parasitize only selected host, the status of host is highly variable. The multiplication rate of nematode species may be very high on a plant species (good host) while some plant species (poor host) may not be very favourable for multiplication
§  Microorganism present in the soil: soil microorganism in the rhizosphere influence nematodes in various ways. The nature of damage by nematodes to plants may be drastically influenced by other pathogenic organisms (fungi, bacteria, and virus) present in rhizosphere. Nematodes actively interact with these organisms resulting in disease complexes which are common places in nature.
§  The locomotion of nematodes per se is very limited, the can hardly move a few centimetres in a year by their own movement. Short distance spread is usually facilitated by irrigation, agricultural machinery, wind, livestock etc. long distance occurs through plant propagating material, seedlings, saplings etc.

Factors influencing Nematode population and distribution (2015)

Neher D. A. 1999. Nematode communities in organically and conventionally
managed agricultural soils. Journal of Nematology 31:142–154.

Moore, J. C., and P. C. de Ruiter. 1991. Temporal and spatial heterogeneity
of trophic interactions within below-ground food webs.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 34:371–397.

Role of Nematodes in Soil Health and Their Use as Indicators Journal of Nematology 33(4):161–168. 2001.© The Society of Nematologists 2001.